YUDICHAK: Committee approves Max Manufacturing Initiative Act

HARRISBURG – Chaired by Senator John Yudichak (I-14), the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee took action on a bill today that would create the Max Manufacturing Initiative Act.

Introduced by Senator Devlin Robinson (R-37), Senate Bill 706 aims to utilize the state’s abundant natural gas resources, by establishing public-private partnerships between private entities and state-related universities.

“Ever since I was appointed chair of this committee, we have focused on job creation, boosting our economy and business revitalization, which this important piece of legislation certainly reflects those goals,” said Yudichak. “The legislation represents great promise to develop the untapped potential of Pennsylvania’s universities and business partnerships as international leaders in development, testing and implementation of innovative advances in technology and science.”

As a result of the unanimous vote, the legislation advances to the full Senate for consideration.  Robinson noted that the bill maximizes the research capabilities of state-related institutions, while also promoting stronger business alliances and increasing employment opportunities.

“My district is in a unique position to capitalize on the vast network of colleges and universities to create a partnership that will conduct research and develop strategies that will result in increased economic development and job opportunities,” said Senator Robinson. “I introduced Senate Bill 706 with the hopes of further incentivizing the manufacturing industry in Pennsylvania and with a vision for these kinds of partnerships across Pennsylvania. “

The committee held a hearing on May 25th in Pittsburgh on Government Barriers to Manufacturing Growth. Support was received from Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Works Together, The Pittsburgh International Airport and the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce.

WATCH: The committee votes on SB706.

CONTACT: spitzer@pasen.gov

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